Thursday 15 December 2011

Digital film production - Storyboard

For the Digital film production module i am in a group with Chris, Phil and Adam and we decided on our group film production name being called  In The Middle Productions, we have been grouped together because we each wanted to focus on different parts of the film production process. My role in the group is Storyboard artist and so far it has been alot more demanding than i at first thought, i have been late on 2 deadlines but managed to make up the time well, i will watch out for this in the future.

Here are a couple of the shots and angles i created for the storyboard.

I think i found this more of a challenge than usual because when we discussed the story and narrative as a group we didnt really fully decide on everything that was going to happen or where all the shots would be placed/timed, so when drawing the storyboards in a bit of a rush i had to also think of camera shots/angles/timings/placement which with it having a filming aspect which i have never done before made it again a little harder than i had anticipated.

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