Thursday 8 December 2011

Animation - Study - Starwars

Starwars is obviously one of the biggest film series of all time and the CGI and animation (if you have seen all the films) has clearly improved throughout the series but the particular part i am interested in related to animation history is how the animation of the deathstar plans scene was done in the oldest Starwars film Episode IV A New Hope. Here is a video explaining and enlightening me on the processes used to create the CGI.

Matt showed us this video in one of the Animation lessons and from what he explained to us and from what the video shows i understand that it must have taken a huge amount of time to do anything even slightly animated in the time when Star wars was created. They even used turning knobs to move the pointer around on the digitally animated interface, it also looks as if the person operating the system needs to have a very specialised skill to use it.

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