Tuesday, 21 May 2013

503 Finished Animatic Transmedia Element

Well here it is, my finished 503 trans media artefact. I tried to divide the workload of the project into an almost half and half, with all of the research and development as well as the artist studies and finished digital pictures into one half of it and the other being using all of the work I had done up to that point as the animatic half of it. This way I thought that I could explore them both almost at the same point whilst still keeping them sort of separate enough to count them as a trans media element. I think I did this rather well, the way I have converted my 503 project from one media to another was to use all of the still images that I had created in the 503 self directed side of the module and making them move and animate and tell a completely different story than the still images alone with no contextualisation do. In fact the still images tell almost no story at all by themselves and with just simple basic movements and and a little contextualisation the images seem to come to life, keep in mind of corse some of the fundimentals of film making to keep the piece interesting to the audience and visually stimulating.

It wasnt really very hard to come up with the trans media element of my project as from the start I knew I wanted to do a moving image sequence of the images I create during the project, I knew that I wanted to use After Effects more than I already had done as I find it to be a very versatile piece of software. The hard part for me was probably getting the initial workload of images done to start with, there would have been more dynamic story telling scenes in the piece if I had realised just how much work could be done in the time that we had, but am generally happy overall at how it all turned out in the end.

I guess the main aspect of the trans media of my project would be the simple change from stills to moving sequence, I liked exploring just how much you can do to a piece of video by just using a simple sound or a different kind of transition here and there, it is kind of like still images in a way where simple changes can effect the entire theme of a piece but with video it just seems to be much more noticeable.

The other form of trans media I was thinking about during the project was to try moving a little bit into 3D I thought that any character or piece of scenery from my images could easily be turned 3D and that would open a lot more possibilities to what could be done or told about the project then. I ended up sticking with the animatic as that was a suitable workload for me in the end but will probably try branching out it to all areas when looking at trans media aspects of a project again. A thought that I have only at the end of the project when there is not enough time left to do it would be to draw aspects of my world in a different type of drawing style, this would open possibilities to the characters being part of a kids show if the characters were cartoony and friendly looking enough, maybe be part of an IOS game if they were to be made pixelated and un detailed looking, and also part of 2D games or even magazines and book, the possibilities for making any characters trans media are endless but in the end I did choose going with an animatic which was I think just the right thing for me workload wise and it did challenge my skills artistically a good but not too much amount.

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