Thursday, 9 May 2013

503 Character Requests

I asked a few people about what kind of characters they wanted designing so that it would give me the opportunity to be able to work to someone elses giudelines but whilst doing my own interpritations of them. I talked about wether this would be too much work to do and if my project should just be focused around the character design aspect of the project I am doing but I thought it would be a managable amount with all the characters as well as the backgrounds and transmedia animation at the end too. It is a little bit ambitious but I think it will be a doable amount if I keep on track of my time and make sure to stay organised and focused, as this is the only module in a while that I have felt has been completely free to do whatever I want in it so I think it id worth using the opportunity to do as much as I can while I can.

So on to who asked me to create what and how it relates to the already developed archetypes of characters in films and games.

Jess - Falcon Handler - The Threshold Guardian

Brad - Thief - The Hero

Andy - Beggar - The Wise Old Man or Sage

Joel - Pirate - The Trickster

Emma - Witch - The Devil or Satan

Pete - Prisoner - The Warrior

Me - Guard Commander - The Mentor

I think these are the closest archetype matches from the short list I have been referencing from Wikipedia, I could probably have found much more matching archetypes from the many lists of 100s of character types out there but I think on their most basic level then these are the matching types.

I will be shortly uploading the character sketches and short backgrounds that I have spent a little bit of time working on.

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