Saturday, 25 February 2012

Concept Art which relates to my game space

As a study of concept art which is similar to the idea I am doing i have looked at some of the work and screensavers that have been done for the up coming game Diablo 3. One of the main defining things of Diablo is the dark feel and mood of the game, alot of the game is played through in dungeons or at night time, this makes the player have a particular view of the game which is that there is no hope, no chance of winning and even if they did it would be hollow. I think this would be a good mood to try and mirror in my own work because I have found that the most interesting films and games are those where the main character or protagonists are the underdogs and are outnumbered / have no hope, eg Rocky, 300, Avatar the list can go on and on.

The tavern in particular is work that is closely related to my own, in another blog I mentioned that this is the kind of thing i wanted to do, although i did want to do more of a western themed tavern i decided to compromise nd go half fairytale and half western in that i got the idea of the tavern from a western but am creating it in the style of a fairytale / fantasy tavern. For example the Inn of the Prancing Pony from lord of the rings is the kind of tavern i wanted to create. Pic Below.

These final two pictures express the idea of a time before technology, a medieval feel but with a hint of magic in the world. This idea is also expressed in my mood boards and in the concept artwork project.
I also really like this kind of artwork as the contrast between light and dark makes the piece really stand out, much like the game it is based on. Also the scale which is portrayed in the image makes it feel all the more epic.

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