Sunday, 13 April 2014

FMP Unincorperated Aspects of the Game 2

Another section of the game which I have explored is the element of cards incorporated into the gameplay mechanics somehow, I thought about character cards as a way to choose which character you could play as, I thought about in game playable cards which would enhance or change some aspect of your character for better or worse, much like the Anime Yu-gi-oh which would include characters using cards to battle monsters or also like the Xbox game Titanfall in which the character can choose a 'burn card' before spawning and would subsequently get enhanced combat abilities based on what card they chose to play. I thought if games and tv shows can incorporate cards into completely unrelated things like first person shooters then it would be easy for me to incorporate fantasy or magic cards into a fantasy and magic game.

Below are a few examples of what I imagined my own cards would look like, I ended up not having time to work on digital painting as much as I would have liked in this module but have been fully kept busy with all of the other 3d aspects of my project. If Id have had enough time I would have produced a series of cards probably including character cards, magic cards, instant cards, and map cards. These would encompass most aspects of the game and I may have enough time to include a few of there for the end of year exhibition.

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