Monday, 27 January 2014

FMP (Final Major Project)

Now that I have submitted my final major project proposal form all thats left to do is work for 4 months. I knew that I wanted to make a game (since the day I started DFGA) and now is the perfect time to do it, I have complete creative freedom to make anything I want, or can make, as long as I outline the exact things I will be doing as part of this project. The things that I will be doing in this project are a lot of concept art, 3D modelling, project managing, team leading, coding, and game testing. There are currently 3 of us making this 'game' and currently we are at the design stage.

The things we have looked at are 2D and 3D platform games and what can be achievable in the short 4 months we have to do this project, some of the things that have been ruled out are huge scale fantasy 3D worlds like Skyrim, and Mass Effect, because that is simply not possible. Realistically though we have realised that a short segment of well refined gameplay and visuals would be better than an over ambitious half finished glitchy game.

After a meeting we had initially about the project we have decided that the game will have to be some sort of platform based gameplay, the undecided part being wether it should use 2D frames to animate movement or use 3D models in a 2D platform based environment. The research I have been doing in these first few weeks of the project look at the pros and cons of both types of game development and which ones work more than others. I will be posting my results and timetable shortly as deadlines have been set as making a game requires a certain level of management if it is to be successful in any small way.

Some pictures of the games I have researched.

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