Here is my rough cut 1 min video without any effects or green screening at all. It was really good practise to use this as reference because it helped with all the shots and camera angles and putting them together, I will be doing this in the future.
I remember this video from a few months back when we had our entire perspective ruined of TV shows and series, this was done by taking away the magic of every series around by showing the way everything good today is created, I think this is relevant to my video in the way that I now know how to create these illusions (not particularly well) and can see behind and spot the seams of every show out there right now. I can say that I used this to create my own work in the way that we both used the same methods of production, the difference is that they have a huge production team working on these projects at the same time and that more man power = more work and at a better standard, I have also learned that the more time or man hours spent working on an individual shot definitely make it a lot better of a finished result and will incorporate this into my own work when I start adding the layers of visual effects into my scene.
Stargate Studios Virtual Backlot Reel 2012 from Stargate Studios on Vimeo.