From what i already understood of post modernism i have learnt a lot about the range and bigger picture of it all from this lecture, i now understand just how hard the subject is to categorise and that it is very hard to sum up in a simple definition when it covers such a broad variety of things, ideas, meanings, movements and opinions.
Simply put post modernism is the era after modernism, when people started to reject the ideas and principles about what a piece of art is and started to think more about what the meaning of art is and essentially is everything art if looked at in a different way. It led away from traditional oil on canvas paintings and anything typically like that, and instead tried to tell stories with the work being produced, the paintings became more of subject matter containing street life in paris or a busy bar scene or compositions that are meant to be similar to photographs (people half way out of the shot), also much work let the way the piece was composed to tell the story of the work, like the man on a balcony in paris painting by N.F. Karlins.
In conclusion post modernism has always been a confusing subject for me and i have learned a confusing subject for most people who debate post modernism, as it does not have a sound basis for being described it is recognised as many things in one, movements, ideas and concepts and even though i know i will never fully understand postmodernism i feel i have come to understand more of it at least.
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