I came across the concept artist Mark Molnar recently who creates work in photoshop of a quality which i want to aspire to, as seen in the image below it looks like he uses quick brushstrokes which gives the image a certain style as well as giving the feel of movement which i really like and try to mirror in my own work, he also has a good style of colour in his images as shown in both landscapes pictures below with the relatively limited amount but very good use of colour in the top image and the varying deep dark and light greens in the bottom image and he finishes the compositions with a depth feel by draining or subtracting from the colour for the far away or distant parts of the images to gives it the illusion of distance which he does expertly. Also the varying amounts of detail in the top image is a very subtle but key factor in making the image impressive, the detail on the castle to the left automatically brings the focus of the viewer there and away from the horde outside the castle which being not highly detailed is a good factor in itself because it adds to the impression that it is a rabble, a horde, a cluster of soldiers which may even bring into consideration psychologically which side is good and which side is bad, detail - order - light - straight lines generally = Good, opposed to the dark - curves - clustered - rabble which generally = Bad. In these ways the images is expertly portrayed and is why i as a concept artist like this artists work.
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